Surya Namaskar For Society is a way to improve personal health along with Society's health
Rs.5,000 donated
1 Donors
Campaign has ended

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) For Society is a way to improve personal health along with Society’s health.

It’s not a competition with anyone else, but it’s a way to challenge yourself to be, do and have more.

People can do Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) at home daily from October 2 to October 8, 2020. For each Surya Namaskar, donate Rs 10 for education of socially deprived children

It doesn’t matter how many you can do, but every Salutation to God Sun will count. Health of Society is Education, and every Surya Namaskar raises money that goes directly to Abhyudaya’s project of educating Socially deprived children

If you already exercise regularly… congratulations!  We want you to come out and do Surya Namaskar For Society as a role model and inspire others

Donations are eligible under 80G IT exemption

DaanUtsav Week – Surya Namaskar for Society